S leans more towards math more than phonics; in that she would much rather work on math problems than go through her sight words. There are so many fun ways to explore math with a preschooler. Try and go beyond the workbooks….
Counting objects
Any number of objects could be counted! I am always asking S, how many crayons do you have? How many pieces of chicken do you have left? How many green dinosaurs are you playing with?
Adding and Subtracting Toys
Using hands-on manipulatives to practice addition and subtracting. Example: 3 bees + 2 butterflies = 5 flying insects or If you have five Barbies, but two go to the store; how many are still at the house?

Playing Games
Did you know while you play games with your child they are learning math, among other things? A game teaches them to quickly recognize the dots on a die and counting as they move their piece around the board. Recognizing numbers during a card game and counting pairs during Go Fish for example.
Use Nontraditional Means
Write out math problems on a chalkboard, using paint, or with playdough for an interesting change of scenery. Also use fun counters (such as candy hearts) to help your child learn addition and subtraction.
There are so many apps that help reinforce math learning. I recently reviewed Splash Math which is a great website/app that allows parents to be able to track their child’s progress.
I know I said beyond the workbooks! Stay with me…sometimes practicing writing the numbers and going through math problems is needed, but worksheets can be fun too. Search for fun printables with your child’s favorite character or holiday themed. I have a board on Pinterest that I pin fun learning printables that I come across.
Follow My Big Fat Happy Life’s board Printables on Pinterest.
You may also enjoy How to Encourage Writing with Young Kids.
Tell me, did I miss a fun way to practice math? How do you reinforce math with your child?
These are some great suggestions! I’m always looking for ways to enrich my three year-old, especially since we’re about to take her out of daycare for the Spring/Summer. Will be trying some of these!
I hope she has fun with these ideas! Have a wonderful spring and summer with your daughter!
Both my girls go to preschool but I really need to start working more with them at home, especially my 3 1/2 year old who will soon by off to Kindergarten. These are great tips and I will be pinning to use with my kids.
Thank you Sarah! I hope they help your girls!
How fun is this! I used to love getting out “manipulatives” back when I used to teach. The kids always loved it.
Thanks Lysha! Manipulatives help everytime!
SPLASH MATH! My girls both loved using that website! I need to get them back on there with their tablets. I remember using candy pieces to help my girls with their math, they loved doing it that way.
I love Splash Math because it tells me how well she is doing!
Great tips! I also like to have my twin girls help with counting things for our home-based business. They love “doing math” by counting t-shirts we are packing up to ship out.
That’s awesome Joe! A great way for your girls to practice math!
This is a great list. I will have to check out Splash Math.
Thank you Tiffiny! Math can be fun!