S decided she wanted to pick the next letter to concentrate on: P…princesses, pirates, pigs, and potions oh my….
This week (January 28, 2014) we got snow in south Louisiana for the second time in less than a week. Previously it had been almost four years since it snowed. Therefore we ended up spending a lot of time outside playing in the snow/ice and not as much time focusing on our letter of the week.
I used the following printables, linked to their original source, throughout our week mixed in amongst the other activities.
Math: Graphing the Princesses
Part of 1+1+1=1’s Princess Pack is a printable for graphing. There is a dice to cut out and glue together and then a worksheet to mark how many times you roll each princess/royal item. S loved this so much so that she went back to this activity several times and I had to print off more graph sheets for her.
Science: Potions
Another favorite that we ended up doing every day was making potions. I assembled a tray of items for S to mix together to create potions. She also had a tray with a couple empty vessels to mix the potions in.
The items S had available were:
- Colored water
- Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Sprinkles
- Oatmeal
- Cereal (we used Fruit Loops and Lucky Charms)
I also had eye droppers, mixing spoons, a funnel and paper straws available for S to use to measure and mix her ingredients.
I let S create and mix how she wanted. One day she made a potion for snow and another day it was for Christmas 🙂
We talked about how some items like oatmeal sunk in the water but floated when baking soda and vinegar were added.
At the end, we dumped a good bit of baking soda and vinegar into the potion to get the potion to fizz and bubble over, hence the need for a tray under the vessels.
Weeks later S still asks about making potions!
Game: Who Shook Hook and Princess Yahtzee
We played a couple games this week. The Who Shook Hook game works on fine motor skills. While Princess Yahtzee helps with math and counting.
Puzzle: Princesses
We have a lot of princess puzzles, so S had fun putting them all together throughout the week.
Book: Jake and the Neverland Pirates & Disney Princesses
We read a couple different stories this week focused on the letter P.
S enjoyed this week and kept asking me what the next lesson or project was going to be.
Those look like fun activities!! I love the letter P! My baby niece’s name starts with a P 🙂
Your activities look like a lot of fun, especially the potion! Your daughter is a cutie.
This are awesome activities! I love all the potions and science experiments
This is really helpful for me as I am trying to think of activities that we can do because of the easter vacation. #magicmoments
Thank you Merlinda, I hope your children have a wonderful Easter break!